Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Is pornography a cultural item?

I’ve just read a new about a political discussion in Brazil regarding Pornography as a Cultural Item. Brazilian workers are entitled to a bonus for cultural purposes and it can be spent to go to the movies, to the theater, etc… The discussion begins with this question: What if a worker wants to buy a Pornographic magazine with that bonus? The journalist who signs that new defines a Pornographic Magazine as a publication with naked women.

I’ve read all the comments written by the readers, and the following are some briefs of the most interesting ones:

- Is pornography just about naked women?

- A female reader then complains about women as a pornographic object.

- Another female reader understands pornography in a widest sense & agrees that pornography is a cultural item.

- If Pornography is just about naked women, then the History of Art is full of pornography, points another reader.

- God appears in some comments, I don’t really understand why.

- A supportive male reader feels sorry that there is no pornography for women, and later on another reader reckons that naked men are mainly for gays consume.

- That woman is a goddess!, claims a male reader referring to the woman in the cover of the pornographic magazine. (I kind of understand the religious point of view of this exultation)

- Sade is not culture any more, complains someone, and he reminds the people who consume pornography as a hidden vice.

- Another person compares pornography with going to the loo.

- There are readers who reckon to enjoy Beckett & Sade at the same time, at the same level.

- Someone reminds all the artist who dedicated their art to sex.

- Is Hollywood a Cultural item?, wonders another reader.

- What about the Political Pornography? A reader reckons that he prefers to see a naked woman than 2 politicians fighting days before general elections.

- Pornography related to “dirty business” as prostitution, weapons & drugs traffic is pointed out.

- A sign of decadence: pornography is as culture as cannibalism is as gastronomy.

- A female reader thinks that a pornographic magazine can encourage people to read more.

- Someone says that culture has a pornographic meaning when it states what it is culture or not.

Long issue. I love it. I don’t think that I can cover all the details of this juicy debate in just one post, so I keep this one as a reminder.

For the moment I agree that Pornography is a cultural item, I feel sorry too that there is no many pornographic magazines for women, and I read this new as another sign of Western Developed Hypocrisy.

Ps. I love the woman who suggests that pornography can induce to read more... It’s so tender, and it’s true!: Bataille’s Story of the eye invited me to read the rest of the work of this lucid author.


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