Saturday, September 5, 2009

Decisive Action...Part II

It wasn’t until the one eyed poet had escorted Orianna on board his starship that the lovely, well endowed and curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love allowed herself to breathe freely. Ever mindful that what she was experiencing could only be a cruel dream created by her tormentors from the Gamma Quadrant to get her hopes up once again. Only to then be forced to watch her dreams of freedom dashed against the ragged rocks of reality in a concerted and persistent effort to break Orianna’s spirited nature.

Once onboard the Dark Lord’s Phallus Orianna suddenly felt the darkness of the burden of sexual servitude in which she’d been cloaked for seemingly an eternity. Dispel as it lifted from off her soul leaving the lovely daughter of the goddess of love to bask in the sunshine of freedom for the very first time since the beginning of her captivity.

As the Klingon Bird of Prey scout ship silently withdrew from the feminine orifice of the Deep Space stations docking port. Spun around effortlessly and flew away once again undetected by either the stations sensors or those manning the Opts Center. Only to disappear moments later into the worm hole on the final leg of the only remaining Dark Lords journey. To free the lovely and curvaceous daughters of the goddess of love from the bondage of sexual servitude that had already lasted nearly a full solar.

“See to Orianna’s every need’, the Dark Lord commanded one of the female ensigns who’d been taken on board the Phallus for this very mission. Then added, “Make absolutely certain that she is comfortable in the cabin prepared for her and her sisters.”

“Aye aye Capt’n.” the red haired ensign replied enthusiastically then aimed a warm and friendly smile at the curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love as she said, “This way ma’am.” even as she began to steer Orianna effortlessly  away from the one eyed poet down the corridor towards the nearby turbolift.

For a moment DaPoet watched their backs until the red haired ensign along with the curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love disappeared into the turbolift. Then turned and headed towards the bridge where the one eyed poet would remain until the end of his duty shift. Then return to his personal cabin for a well deserved rest before the projected arrival of The Dark Lord’s Phallus at their final destination in the Gamma Quadrant. Where he hoped that he wouldn’t be forced to make an example out of those who’d sought to take full advantage of those who at the moment appeared weaker then themselves.

Twelve hours later the one eyed poet had just stepped out of his personal sonic shower and was in the act of wrapping a towel about his waist. When DaPoet heard the chime that announced the presence of a visitor standing in the corridor just outside the door of his cabin.

“Come in.” the one eyed poet called out absentmindedly just as he’d finished tying the towel about the lower half of his well developed physique.

“HUH!” the only remaining Dark Lord heard the lovely and curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love gasp in surprise as she walked into his cabin. Orianna’ right hand flying upwards to cover the embarrassment of the delightful smile dancing upon her lips as her eyes drank in the well developed curves of DaPoet’s chest.

“I’m sorry that I disturbed you.” Orianna stated quietly then added, “I’ll come back later.” as she started to back out into the empty corridor.

“Oh no that’s quite all right.” Dapoet stated in a reassuring tone of voice then added, “You may stay if you wish.”

“Okay.’ the lovely and curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love replied then stated a moment later after she’d regained a measure of her dignity and composure. “I only came by to thank you on behalf of my sisters and myself in the only way that I know how.” after which Orianna untied the golden sash about her waist and shrugged off the folds of her dress from the delicate curves of her shoulders. Which fell onto the floor about her ankles in a puddle of white fabric so that Orianna stood before the one eyed poet in all the glory of her womanly nakedness.

“Oh no that won’t be necessary since I didn’t bring you on board to become my concubine but to set you free from sexual bondage in which I found you.”

“Oh but it is necessary my dear poet if I am to cleanse myself of the very last vestiges of my sexual bondage.” Orianna stated matter of factly as she carefully raised first one foot and then the other one. As she intentionally stepped out of the puddle of her dress and into the arms of the only remaining Dark Lord. Where she pressed the swollen tips of her nipples against the skin of the one eyed poets chest even as she stood up onto the tips of her toes and pressed the curves of her mouth to the Dark Lord’s eager lips. In a deep and passionate kiss that seemed to last for an eternity even as it fanned into flames the sexual passions smoldering within the depths of Orianna’s very soul.

“Oh…my…god…” the lovely daughter of the goddess of love breathed into DaPoet’s ear as the fingers of his right hand gently curled around one of the ripe orbs of her breasts. Orianna’s breath then catching within her throat as the Dark Lord pushed her down on top of his bed where they fell in a tangle of arms and legs.

So that within just a few moments the walls of the one eyed poet’s cabin echoed with the sounds of not just their ragged breathing which now came in loud gasps. But the sighs, moans and cries of the lovely and curvaceous daughter of the of the goddess of love. As first the Dark Lords tongue and then the fullness of his rock hard and throbbing cock fully aroused Orianna. By making the daughter of the goddess of love wetter than she’d ever been before or since and intentionally drove Orianna over the cliff of the most intense orgasmic climax she had ever experienced.

Until at last Orianna lay helplessly within the arms of the only remaining Dark Lord. Savoring to the fullest extent possible the diminishing echos of her intense orgasm as they ever so slowly faded away into memory. As the lovely and curvaceous daughter of the goddess of love fought to catch her breath until at last she fell asleep safe and secure within the comforting arms of the one eyed poet.

For the rest of the journey Orianna spent her time divided between standing at the one eyed poets side and lying within DaPoet’s arms beneath the sheets of his bed. Where they wiled away the tedious hours of the voyage through the Gamma Quadrant riding each other into a sexual frenzy as they made love again and again. Until at last the Dark Lords Phallus entered into a stationary orbit of the planet deep inside the Gamma Quadrant. Whose inhabitants had held Orianna and her sisters within the degradation of sexual bondage without the slightest hope of release for nearly a full solar year.

Fortunately the reputation of the Dark Lord and the ability of his starships ability to lay waste as well as completely destroy the planet floating below. Had preceded the coming of the Dark Lord’s Phallus so that the planetary leaders were more then willing to surrender their unlawfully held captives as well as pay a modest reparation. In order to deflect the well deserved wrath of the only remaining Dark Lord and his crew of battle hardened souls.

So that within moments of materializing over the rouge planet the Klingon Bird of Prey broke orbit and headed back towards the Delta Quadrant. Where the crew of the Dark Lord’s Phallus looked forward to completing their mission by delivering each and everyone of the lovely, well endowed and curvaceous daughters of the goddess of love to their home worlds. Except for Orianna who of her own free will decided to remain aboard the scout ship as the constant companion of the only remaining Dark Lord. Sharing both the adventures as well as the curves of her body with the one eyed poet who commands the starship aptly named, “The Dark Lord’s Phallus.”


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